Friday, August 15, 2014

Star Marine Spirits/Dr Pat Holliday/Dr Sabrina Sessions/Marshall Perot 08/15 by Dr Pat Holliday | Religion Podcasts

Star Marine Spirits/Dr Pat Holliday/Dr Sabrina Sessions/Marshall Perot 08/15 by Dr Pat Holliday | Religion Podcasts

Marine spirits are shown throughout the Bible. They exist
under the sea, rivers and lakes.  They
are real Principalities, Powers and Ruler Spirits and wicked spirits. They can
execute Satan’s plans on earth by possessing with a man or a woman. They also
rule over territories and possess masses of people living in those territories.
 "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens and ye
that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea. For the
devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a
short time,"
(Rev. 12 : 12).
This Scripture is telling us that there are creatures in the
sea which are also sentenced to the woe that would befall the inhabitants of the
earth .[i]

[i]  ibid

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