Saturday, June 21, 2014

Awesome Spiritual Power/Dr Pat Holliday/Dr Sabrina Sessions/Marshall Perot 06/20 by Dr Pat Holliday | Religion Podcasts

Awesome Spiritual Power/Dr Pat Holliday/Dr Sabrina Sessions/Marshall Perot 06/20 by Dr Pat Holliday | Religion Podcasts


 "I wish
above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul
(III Jn. 2).


The author has been blessed to see Jesus raise many people
from the dead. Tillie, was a lady who had been deeply involved in witchcraft.
She came looking for deliverance. This lady was having seizures. She jumped out
of her seat one day at one of our meetings. She ran to the back of the church
and fell down. She began to have a seizure. Her eyes sunk to the back of her
head and she stopped breathing and she died. We prayed over her for forty five
minutes. She came back alive! Dr. Julie Burke, of Jacksonville, Florida
witnessed this resurrection from death back to life. This author has seen five
people raised from the dead and untold numbers raised in the intensive care
units. [i]

I’ve seen all kinds of incredible miracles such as,
incurable deceases get healthy again. The blind see, lame walk, cancer, hearts,
livers, diabetes, muscular dystrophy, Aides, etc. healed. I believe that Jesus
can do anything.

Over the years, I’ve seen the Lord heal AIDES many times.
Kevin has been healed of AIDES.  He was
in the intensive care in May 1998. His mother was told by the doctor that all
hope was over and advised her that all the machines should be turned off.
Marilyn asked for time to pray. The Hindu doctor reinforced his diagnosis but
she insisted. God gave Kevin the strength to recover enough to come to Miracle
Outreach Ministries. Jesus did the rest. Kevin was instantly delivered from the
infirmity in June. He received a clear blood test without a trace of the
disease and August 2, Kevin returned to work driving a 18-wheeler truck! He is
doing well, to God be the glory. [ii]

Kevin got married and a little girl was born. The child is
about five years old now. Jesus Christ can do anything!


[ii]  ibid

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