Saturday, January 16, 2016

Favor and Grace/Dr Pat Holliday/Dr Sabrina Sessions/Marshall Perot 01/15 by Dr Pat Holliday | Religion Podcasts

Favor and Grace/Dr Pat Holliday/Dr Sabrina Sessions/Marshall Perot 01/15 by Dr Pat Holliday | Religion Podcasts: Favor and Grace Old Testament favor-grace speaks of deliverance from enemies, affliction, or adversity. It also denotes enablement, daily guidance, forgiveness, and preservation. The New Testament word is Charis. It focuses on the provision of salvation. Definition of God's Grace – How do theologians define it? 'What is grace? In the New Testament grace means God's love in action towards men who merited the opposite of love. Grace means God moving heaven and earth to save sinners who could not lift a finger to save themselves. Grace means God sending His only Son to descend into hell on the cross so that we guilty ones might be reconciled to God and received into heaven. ‘(God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him'' (2 Corinthians 5:21).1 'Grace may be defined as the unmerited or undeserving favor of God to those who are under condemnation.' – Enns2

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