Saturday, September 12, 2015

INTERCESSORY PRAYER REVOLUTION/Dr Pat Holliday/Dr Sabrina Sessions/Marshal Perot 09/11 by Dr Pat Holliday | Religion Podcasts

INTERCESSORY PRAYER REVOLUTION/Dr Pat Holliday/Dr Sabrina Sessions/Marshal Perot 09/11 by Dr Pat Holliday | Religion Podcasts


Apocalypse; the Powers of Darkness!

Dates set on the Jesus’ Return

As some have rightfully pointed out, it is
dangerous to set dates on the Lord’s return.
 However, we are also told
that when we see predicted signs and events coming together in rapid succession
(similar to birth pangs increasing in frequency), we can conclude that His
coming return and judgement are near. [i]
It seems that every few years, there are end-of-the-world
predictions that fail to materialize, much to the embarrassment of the false
seers who spread and promote them.
Y2K, the Mayan Apocalypse and the Harold Camping predictions are just some of the more recent
failed doomsday prophecies that have littered the pages of human history.

September 23, 2015 Bigger Punch

However, there is a growing sentiment among eschatologists,
biblical scholars and even some secular groups that the world is in for a
significant and potentially catastrophic change on or around September 23,
The September 2015 prediction has gained traction in recent
years, thanks in part to the Blood Moon
 which is set to complete its cycle on September 28, 2015.
The exact specifics are not fully known, but there appears
to be a consensus that multiple, world-changing events (natural, man-made and
spiritual) will take place in rapid succession both before, during and after
the September 23rd date.[ii]

Somethings happening on or near September 23, 2015

  • September
    23, 2015 is The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). Every 7th year is a
    Sabbatical year (a Shemitah) and every 7th Sabbatical (49 years) ends a
    cycle of time. The last cycle occurred during Israel’s Six-Day War.
    Remarkably, the last time the world experienced a Blood Moon Tetrad was
    during that period and if one count exactly forty-nine (360 day) prophetic
    years (17,640 days) from the date of Jerusalem’s recapture by Israel, we
    arrive at September 23, 2015.
  • Rabbi
    Jonathan Cahn, best-selling author of The Harbinger and The
    Mystery of the Shemitah
    , has uncovered a shocking connection between a new
    Shemitah and past financial collapses of the U.S. economy. This includes
    the stock market collapse of 2001, shortly after 9/11, and the financial
    collapse in 2008. The current Shemitah (7 year cycle) ends on
    September 13, 2015
    , the day of Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets).
  • Pope
    Francis (who some suspect to be the False
    Prophet of Revelation
    ), will be meeting with Barack Obama on September
    23, 2015, which is the 266th day of the year — Pope Francis happens to be
    the 266th Pope. Many are suspecting this meeting will coincide with
    catastrophic events taking place, allowing these and other leaders to
    usher in a New World Order and help control the
    widespread chaos that would ensue from a natural or man-made disaster.
  • The
    multi-nation organization known as CERN is set
    to conclude a highly controversial LHC particle collision experiment in
    the month of September
    , which some suspect will open up a wormhole
    and/or spiritual portal, bringing about potentially disastrous consequences
    as a result.

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