Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Royal Priesthood/Dr Pat Holliday/Dr Sabrina/Marshal Perot 06/21 by Dr Pat Holliday | Blog Talk Radio

A Royal Priesthood/Dr Pat Holliday/Dr Sabrina/Marshal Perot 06/21 by Dr Pat Holliday | Blog Talk Radio
THE apostle in the preceding verses speaks of the great difference between Christians and unbelievers, on account of their diverse and opposite relations to Jesus Christ. The former have Christ for their foundation, they come to him as a living stone, a stone chosen of God, and precious; and they also as living stones are built up a spiritual house. The Christian church is the temple of God, and particular believers are the stones of which that temple is built. The stones of Solomon’s temple, which were so curiously polished and well fitted for their places in that building, were a type of believers. And Christ is the foundation of this building, or the chief corner stone. On the contrary, to the latter, to unbelievers, Christ, instead of being a foundation on which they rest and depend, is a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense. Instead of being a foundation to support them and keep them from falling, he is an occasion of their stumbling and falling.

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