Thursday, September 13, 2012

Spiritual Warfare Overcoming Faith/Dr.Pat Holliday/Dr.Sabrin 09/12 by Dr Pat Holliday | Blog Talk Radio

Spiritual Warfare Overcoming Faith/Dr.Pat Holliday/Dr.Sabrin 09/12 by Dr Pat Holliday | Blog Talk Radio

Christians must be prepared and equipped for spiritual warfare. From the earliest times men wore and used devices for the protection of the body in battle.

The Apostle Paul spoke of the armor in a figurative sense, with reference to righteousness as a protection to the follower of God against the assaults of evil or temptation. They take upon themselves the whole armor of God, Helmet, Salvation; Breastplate, Righteousness; Girded Loins, Truth; Shod Feet; Shield, Faith, (Eph. 6:13-17), shows what wonderful provisions’ God has made for His warriors.

  • Christians must be on the defensive, (Matt. 26:41).
  • You must be anointed! (Matt. 3:16),
  • You must fast! (Matt. 4:2).
  • You must quote the Word! (Matt. 4:4, 7, 10).
  • You must command the devil in the Name of Jesus! (Matt. 4:10).
  • You are the one that has to drive the devil to flight, (Jam. 4:7).

Jesus said in (Matt. 12:23-33). Satan is not going to allow anyone to destroy his work without putting up very strong counteraction. His control must first be neutralized before Christians can release his captives.

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