Saturday, January 14, 2012

E-Books by Pastor Pat Holliday, Ph.D

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    PC users click here MAC users click here Age of Aquarius Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    The New Age movement comes out of the United Nations. It is a structured network of individuals and organizations who share a vision of a new age of enlightenment and harmony (the Age of Aquarius) and who subscribe to a common world view. “Take heed that no man deceive you” (Matt. 24:4). Such were the first words of our Lord’s reply to inquiry, “What shall be the sign of Thy coming and of the end of the age?” (Matt. 24:3). No thoughtful Christian can ignore the signs which mark the days in which we live. The growth of cynicism within the churches has surpassed even the gloomiest prediction and side by side with this, the expansion of spiritualism and demon-worship has been shocking.
    $8.00 Buy Now Angel Fire Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    The New Age movement has made tremendous gains in the west over the past decade. Many people are seeking experiences with angels … angels of light. This teaching manual explains the reality of angels, their positions in God’s Kingdom and their place in the lives of human beings. The author believes that it is dangerous to look to angels for guidance. The Bible teaches that the Holy Ghost is the Revelator, but the Lord Jesus is always, and always, the Revelation. The Holy Ghost reveals the Lord Jesus Chris and as He does, receive of mercies and graces. Angels have a wonderful place in ministry, but it does not include determining truth. When angels start giving messages about truth or administering what they call grace, you had better check the identity of that angel. Touched by an Angel could well be an “Angel of Light” or an evil spirit. Apparitions are strange appearances and visions with an esoteric or phantom-like character. Apparitions are an occultic counterpart and always subjective with no basis in truth. The truth is not “out there somewhere,” it is in God’s Word. Angel Fire is written as a teaching tool to reveal the scriptural order of these supernatural or heavenly beings who act as God’s messengers. These teaching plans were taught in Southeastern Theological Seminary by Pastor-Evangelist Pat Holliday.
    $8.00 Buy Now Angel In the Whirlwind Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Today there is a special onslaught of (Chaotic) deceiving spirits upon the Church of Christ, the fulfillment of the prophecy which the Holy Spirit expressly made known to the Church through the Apostle Paul, that a great deceptive onslaught would take place in the Later Times. Since the utterance of the prophecy, more than eighteen hundred years have passed by, but the special manifestation of evil spirits in the deception of believers today, points unmistakably to the fact that we are at the close of the age. And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. (1 Jn. 4:3).
    This is a teaching deliverance manual concerning The Angel in the Whirlwind ~ The Spirit of the Antichrist. A new world empire will rise out of the ashes of the old world chaos. This New World Government and New Universal Religion’s spiritual power will come from the Sea and out of the Earth. It will consist of Satan’s anointing giving his authoritative power to his son, a man who is united with a group of secretive, depraved, cabalistic men. It will join the iniquity of the masses and idol worship into a world witchcraft driven religion. The Red Dragon is setting the world’s stage for his great magical deception for the spirit of the Antichrist to arise up out of the Sea. Biblical scholars argue that a man that will be possessed by this demonic principality The Angel in the Whirlwind that will arise from this same sea. The prophets, Daniel, Isaiah, Micah, etc witnessed the future and saw the son of Satan. Apostle John stood on the sands of the sea and saw a vision of the spirit of Abbadon, the Beast arise from the Sea.
    $8.00 Buy Now Baptism of the Holy Spirit Pat Holliday, Ph.D. THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT?
    The Holy Spirit is the endowment of supernatural power for service, (Lk. 24:49). Jesus says: “Be endued with power from on high … to witness,” (Lk. 24:49; Acts 1:8). Supernatural powers to be effective witness for Christ. In speaking off the gift of the Holy Spirit, Paul stresses faith, while Peter stresses obedience.
    True faith is always linked to obedience. Complete faith results in complete obedience. Peter says that when our obedience is complete, the gift of the Holy Spirit is ours. “Believe, Repent and be Baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost,” (Acts 2:38).
    $4.00 Buy Now Be Free Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Pat Holliday in her book, Be Free, deals with a subject that has been of ceaseless controversy among the clergy since the beginning of Christianity. These supernatural manifestations are being accepted by many professional individuals but they defy explanation. Only the Bible shows the reality of demonic power and its absolute subjection to the Name of Jesus. This book sets the captives free, simply, through prayer and in the name of Jesus.
    $6.00 Buy Now Born Again Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Unless you are born again, you have no hope of enjoying the glories of heaven or escaping the terrors of Hell. “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God,” (Jn. 3:3). Salvation is a free gift of God granted to lost and undeserving men who trust in the righteousness of Christ and humble themselves in submission to his will. Accept God’s Word that He loves you and wants to give you an abundant life.
    $4.00 Buy Now Breaking Free Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Rev. 2:13, “… you hold fast to My name.” In (Rev. 3:7), Jesus commends the church for keeping both his word and his name.” It become apparent that God wants us to know him by name for his name represents to us who He is. This book is reveals the names of God.
    But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven (Matt. 16:15-17). It also reveals the names of other spiritual beings.
    $4.00 Buy Now Breaking Territorial Spirits Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    The Church of Jesus Christ has to be the difference in every community. Jesus’ Saints are His instruments on this earth because He is sitting at the right hand of God waiting and willing to give the power to win every spiritual battle. He gave the Church spiritual armor and weapons. Our weapons are prayer, using His name, His blood, His Word and His power. The Church in America must become spiritual, seeing events through the Eyes of God to pray to defeat the armies of Satan. This shows how defeat Territorial demonic forces.
    $4.00 Buy Now Can Witches Be Saved? Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    The occult and witchcraft is the most dangerous thing that the Christian church is facing today. Just reading books can cause you to open to witchcraft. When you tell parents and pastors these things, they don’t believe you. In a popular TV show, the heroine calls upon spirits, spells, and magic to defeat demonic beings. In another show, teen-age witches use their white magic to defeat evil warlocks and spirits. Such popular shows deal with the world of the occult. Times have changed and Western morality continues to decline into deeper and deeper depravity. The social indicators reflect a continual rise in violent crime among youth; physical, sexual, and drug abuse; homosexuality; teenage pregnancy; abortion; suicide; and lately a significant rise in employing witchcraft and the occult as a way of acting out rebellion. The question is, once entrapped, Can Witches be Saved? Charles Williams wrote in Witchcraft, “It is cold, it is hungry, it is violent, and it is illusory. The warm blood and intercourse at the Sabbat do not satisfy it. It wants something more … it wants souls.” Believe me; God is not going to sit at the table of witchcraft while the Christians try to walk down both avenues of the supernatural. The Word says, “And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger,” (2 Kin. 17:17). Every Christian should read this book: Charles Williams, Witchcraft
    $5.00 Buy Now
    Can Women Preach Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Do you believe that Jesus discriminated against women? Did God discriminate against women when He created them? Did He create her inferior to men? What does the Bible teach? Did He make man superior to women? Is her past genetic history nonredeemable? Pat Holliday’s book “Can Women Preach?” shows that Jesus establishes His favor for woman’s status in the Gospel account through His actions toward them and demonstrates the fact that they do not live under “the curse.” Do you believe there are no exceptions in Christ’s redemptive work, and redemption is never qualified sexually, racially, or economically? Do you believe that the Great Commission of Christ applies to women believers the same as it does to men believers?
    Do you believe that women should not exercise the Great Commission unless her husband tells her she can do so? Do you believe that these signs shall follow women who believe, the same as men who believe? Do you believe that women believers are authorized to heal the sick, to cast out devils, to cleanse the lepers, to raise the dead, to preach the gospel, the same as men? Do you believe the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit has the same purpose in a woman’s life as in a man’s? Do you believe that every blessing provided by the sacrifice of Christ is for every woman for whom He died?
    In examining attitudes and teachings toward women, Jesus is shown breaking down the cultural barriers of first-century Palestine. When he spoke to the woman by the well, he was breaking the traditions of men toward women. Can, what the Bible calls “salvation” be as a real and practical experience for a woman the same as it is for a man? Is she able to be redeemed from her past the same as a man? Do you truly believe that the original sin of a woman is still held against her after she commits her life to Jesus, while the original sin of a man is forgiven? Can you believe that women are truly equal in Jesus Christ and that according to the Word, women are more than just an appendage to the men of the church?
    “It was for freedom that Christ set us free . . . do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” (Gal. 5:1).
    I am persuaded that new life, joy, blessing will be experienced by the Church when every follower of Jesus can enter the liberty to understand whom he or she is in Christ. It is inspiring to deliver the liberation of spirit freeing sisters in Christ to realize their equality in ministry and also, to liberate the bands of brothers in Christ with the knowledge to enable them to free their sisters in Christ.
    $10.00 Buy Now Charts Schizophrenia MPD/SRA Mind Control Pat Holliday, Ph.D. This is a companion book for Schizophrenia MPD/SRA Mind Control SPLITTING THE MIND
    Demonology and deliverance plays into mind control and mind Control is more than using psychological techniques. Mind Control concerns evil men and women in the hand of Satan using demons and witchcraft to product spiritual slaves. The burgeoning field of holistic medicine shows a tremendous amount of experimentation involving the reinventing of many techniques long practiced in shamanism, such as visualization altered state of consciousness, aspects of psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy, mediation, positive attitude, stress-reduction and mental and emotional expression of personal will for health and healing. These reinvented techniques, are taught in many New Age seminars, personal transformation courses and in numerous New Age books (some of which are sold in Christian bookstores). This quackery is being used by teachers, college professors, nurses, doctors, businessmen and people from all walks of life. We know what force is working behind the scenes to make shamanic magicians more common than the “Old Age” church Gospel.
    A programmer or handler is a human being that is able to program and manipulate the mind of another human. The Handler works with demonic powers to gain command over another person’s mind. (2 Cor 4:4), “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them,” Satan uses people as his Agents. Programmers and mind controllers will continue to be to gain access to the slave’s mind if the person tries to run and hide from them. There are no hiding places in the world because the agents work with supernatural powers.
    Mind Control is simply someone else control or handling your mind and taking control of your will. This is called witchcraft. Your will was the part of you that makes choices of right or wrong. It is the part that God gave you that you would willingly decide to follow Jesus. Therefore, your will make your eternal choice of heaven or hell. You must guard your mind and will. Everyone seems to want to get control over your mind and will.
    $12.00 Buy Now Children of the New Age Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Abigail BeauSeigneur is convinced that J.K. Rowling is a closet Christian, and that Rowling’s fictional character, Harry Potter, is an archetype of none other than Jesus Christ. But can one be a Christian and promote occultism at the same time? Is Harry Potter an archetype of Jesus Christ? Is God’s word, the Bible, sufficient for the believer, and to be used as the ultimate and final authority in faith and all matters of the Christian life? Evangelizing the Christian children by Disney and Time Warner fantasy movies is a part of Satan’s plan that will produce a new generation of wizards and witches. Demonic-phantasmmagical-filled of witchcraft-based books and movies, such as “Disney’s The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” and Time Warner’s “Lord of the Rings” and Harry Potter movies will bring forth millions of children who will live in a delusionary world, becoming dependent upon doctrines of devils. These devils are becoming their heroes, leading their lives to take them into the world of strong deceptions. While it is tragic when anyone is deceived, it is especially heartwrenching to see children drawn onto this path which leads to eternal damnation.There are perhaps five to seven million active witches in America today and another thirty-five million or so persons who have studied or dabbled in witchcraft. Satan wants to control children from the womb and cradle to the grave, in all organizations, destroy their faith in Jesus, take your children from you, abuse the children, give them an unholy childhood, rob their brains in the classrooms, and guide the children into hard-core devil worship and witchcraft. Fantasy books have opened the doorway for millions to enter into the gateway of witchcraft.Parents support these fantasy books believing they will lead their children to read. Even Laura Bush encourages American Children to read the Potter books. Read why these witchcraft, oriented books could be eternally harmful for your children.
    $10.00 Buy Now Christians and the Occult Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Occult Is Spiritual and Dangerous
    Satan and his evil demons are also manipulators of the occult, witchcraft and magic. King Saul was rejected by God and died because he sought after prophecies from a witch. “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft , and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king,” (1 Sam 15:23). Many in the Church will perish because of a lack of knowledge. Many do not understand what the occult is and the results of participation in it … this book will explain.
    $6.00 Buy Now Christology Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    The Foundation of the Church is Jesus Christ. His nature is pure divinity. This book is a manual for the purpose of showing the foundation of the whole is laid in the indication of those words of our blessed Savior wherein he declares himself to be the rock whereon the church is built: (Matt. .6:18:) “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
    Against this rock, this foundation of the church – the person of Christ, and the faith of the church concerning it – great opposition has been made by the gates of hell. Not to mention the rage of the pagan world, endeavoring by all effects of violence and cruelty to cast the church from this foundation, that Jesus and His Church will prevail.
    $5.00 Buy Now Chronicles of Narnia Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Sadly, some of the most famous Christian personalities are powerfully endorsing C. S. Lewis’ fantasy-witchcraft oriented movie, “The Magical Portal: The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe” – C. S. Lewis’ fantasy-witchcraft-oriented movie will steal the hearts of Christians. Christian children are telling their parents that they no longer want to attend church. Most parents do not have a clue concerning the children’s adventures down the highway of darkness. They do not realize that Satan enters through the open doors of the mind. Many believe that fantasy evil books can have no effect upon the spiritual lives of their children. When their children totally drop away from Jesus and their Christian values, then, in many cases, finding freedom, will be practically impossible. Once Satan has been invited in, he has to be kicked out! Free to explore the practices God calls evil, children and teens are flocking to pagan groups and web sites for practical lessons in spells and self-empowerment. Some start Wiccan covens in their high schools and God’s wise warnings are all but forgotten: “Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.” (Rom. 12:9).
    $6.00 Buy Now Computer Games – Sci-Fi Demons Attacking Children Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Are Christian Children Safe from Satan’s Seduction?
    Children are the targets of Satan’s darkness. The problem is that parents are walking in agreement with his tactics. Sadly, in many instances, the Church leadership is spiritually bankrupt concerning its discernment concerning his powers of darkness. “Woe to those who call Satan is boldly striking from within the Church, both adults and children. The spirits of violence, paganism, fantasy and wizardry are mainlined themes for Christian children. Many spiritually blinded “Christian” leaders are pursuing a powerful demonic agenda that will take Christians into the emerging church or a new counterfeit system. The metaphysical capture of the souls and minds of the youth is the goal to turn them to another gospel, another spirit and another Jesus. Unrighteous deception is escalating because our churches and many spiritual leaders are sleeping.
    How can a child be influenced to readily accept demons? Are we opening our Christian children to new forms of spell-binding psychological addiction? The new “Left Behind” Video Game includes intensity of violence and killing. The new video game called Left Behind -Eternal Forces that is scheduled to be released sometime in 2006, was inspired by the best-selling Left Behind book series. This will open children to the influence of violence, mind control and wizardry. Webster’s defines fantasy as imagination or fancy, especially wild, visionary fancy; unreal mental images; illusions; phantasms; whim; queer notions; caprice; an imaginative poem, play, etc.; in psychology, a mental image as in a day dream.
    $8.00 Buy Now Computer Warfare – Charts Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Are Christian Children Safe from Seduction?
    A Christian tells me of a young ten-year-old girl that is now seeing spooky spiritual things in her room. After taking her to see the Chronicles, her Christian mother does not believe her. The answer. Send her to a doctor and fill her up with drugs. There are millions of children in this position in America today. Millions of children are in darkness. Recommended by their Christian leaders, millions are being entertained by puppets, Christian heavy rock bands, Hip Hop, cartoons, and now, Magical fantasy computer games, movies. There is a danger of uncritical acceptance of everything that pretends to be Christian. Many are so afraid of standing against the Word God by checking the doctrines and beliefs of leaders that they ignore things they should not ignore. Christian parents are excessively trusting the Christian media, bookstores, magazines, music. The perusal of their children’s toys and materials are ineffective because they have confidence in everything that declares itself “Christian.” Infidel men have been elected President of the United States by proclaiming that they are “born again.” No one ever checks to see if it is true. Many Christian leaders do not understand the great religious attack against the Body of Christ.
    $8.00 Buy Now Cosmic Consciousness Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    David Wilkerson says, “We need more troublemakers in the church! I pray that every member of the body of Christ would become a troublemaker! We need an army of troublemakers who have become so full of the Holy Ghost they will stir up and trouble New York City and every other city around the world; trouble their wicked institutions – challenge the established dead churches – trouble the leaders, the mayors, the city councils, the community leadership! In other words, we need Holy Ghost troublemakers moving in the Spirit, proclaiming the kingship of Christ so effectively that whole cities are stirred!”
    This book will open your mind to see those mysterious things that has our world and church bound by he powers of Satan. Rev. 13:11-15 describes a world with a unified form of worship. What might this be? What form of worship can possibly break down the barriers of the major religions of the world, paving the way for this scripture to be fulfilled? The answer is found in a movement that has now taken over the Christian mainstream thinking. It is called the Interfaith Movement. Read and join the troublemakers, hoping for a revival in Jesus.
    $8.00 Buy Now Deliverance Manual Vol.1 Pat Holliday, Ph.D. AUTHORITY
    Christians receive their authority from Jesus Christ and all authority is vested in Him. Jesus’ power is always greater. “Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist,” (Col 1:15-17) shows Him victorious over Satan. HOWEVER CHRISTIANS MUST USE THEIR POWER! IT’S CATCH UP TIME FOR THE WESTERN CHURCH! After becoming born again, Pastor Eni, former wizard from Nigeria, Africa wrote a warning to the Christian Church. After the command by Lucifer to fight the Christians we then sat and mapped out ways of fighting them as follows:
    • Causing sickness
    • Causing barrenness
    • Causing a slumber in the church
    • Causing confusion in the church
    • Causing lukewarmness in the church
    • Making them ignorant of the word of God
    • Fashion and emulation
    • Fighting them physically
    Pastor Eni goes on to write, “The powers of darkness who lives under the sea gave me a (supernatural) television. I could see through this television the born again Christians that Satan had assigned to me to defeat. (We do not fight hypocrites because they belong to us already). The wizards would SEND OUR GIRLS (Satan’s agents) into the big churches to work against Christians. Once the girls were inside the church, they would chew gum. They would cause a child to cry. They would do anything to distract the people from hearing the Word of God. These witches may spiritually CAUSE THE PEOPLE TO SLEEP WHILE THE PREACHING IS GOING ON.”
    $11.00 Buy Now Deliverance Manual Vol.2 Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    This book is designed to help ministers to win the war against families. There are many radical ideas floating today with plans for absolute destruction of the family. A few agenda’s are adoption of children by homosexuals, churches must hire homosexuals, divorce rate is 50% dissolution of marriage, sexual revolution, free sex. The education youth is the arena of a new revolution that is taking place. Ever wonder why, when we take our children to church, we are still losing them to the ward of current trends of out-of-wedlock births, crime, drug use, family decomposition and education decline as well as a host continuation of American society as we know it? Deliverance Manual is the answer to many of your problems. Simply written teaching plans which were taught in Southeastern Theological Seminary. This manual is written in outline form to assist teachers who are interested in the deliverance ministry. It is spiritual warfare challenge to Satan’s strongholds over family life. Pastor-Evangelist Pat Holliday, Ph.D. has ministered in this area for 30 years.
    $6.00 Buy Now Deliverance Manual Vol.3 Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    This book is designed to help ministers to win the war against families. There are many radical ideas floating today with plans for absolute destruction of the family, divorce rate is 50% dissolution of marriage, sexual revolution, free sex. The education youth is the arena of a new revolution that is taking place. Ever wonder why, when we take our children to church, we are still loosing them to the ward of current trends of out-of-wedlock births, crime, drug use, family decomposition and education decline as well as a host continuation of American society as we know it? Family Deliverance Manual is the answer to many of your problems. Simply written teaching plans which were taught in Southeastern Theological Seminary. It is spiritual warfare challenge to Satan’s strongholds over family life. Pastor-Evangelist Pat Holliday, Ph.D. has ministered in this area for 25 years.
    $6.00 Buy Now Deliverance/Schidzophrenia/MPD Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    This book is look at perhaps another viewpoint concerning the problem of Schizophrenic Double Minded. Is it a physical, mental or spiritual problem? The answer is yes, yes, yes! This is not a book rant and rage against the medical field concerning psychological and psychiatric medication, such as, Tom Cruise’ appearance on the “Today Show.” It should have been a typical interview to promote Tom Cruise’ new movie, War of the Worlds. Instead, Cruise’ comments on the “Today Show” during an interview with host Matt Lauer on June 24th became known as a ‘rant’ against psychiatric medication. Although Cruise is not an expert on psychiatry, his popularity as an actor gave his remarks widespread public attention, and, consequently, more than usual potential for widespread misinformation.
    Thus began the ‘rant,’ as Cruise emotionally denied the existence of chemical imbalances and disparaged the use of drug therapies. “All it does is mask the problem there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance,” Cruise said. He went on to reject the legitimacy of psychiatric medication, claiming that vitamins and exercise alone can solve problems of mental illnesses, such as postpartum depression. The Church has the answers through the deliverance ministry and the teaching of Christian character. However, the Church of Jesus Christ must have spiritual eyes to discern the spirits involved in a person’ life. Ministers must ask the Lord to let them see which spirit is operating. Is it a devil? Is the human spirit controlling the person’ flesh? Is it an emotional spirit controlling the nervous system? Is it a mental spirit in control? Is it brain damage? Is the Spirit of the Holy Spirit in control or is it a religious spirit of the Devil? $14.00 Buy Now Demons Believe and Tremble Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    This book concerns the power of God and the authority that He gives His people. Every Christian should read this book. It is true that Jesus Christ left awesome spiritual power to His church. “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: I lo am with you alway, even unto the end of the world, Amen,” (Matt. 28:18-20). This “Great Commission” is our marching order in evangelism. It is worldwide in its scope, sin-deep in its reach, heaven-high in its hope, and eternity long in the duration of its results.
    $14.00 Buy Now Emotional Healing /Perilous Times Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    This book is about how Emotional Healing is being sought in New Age and Psychological ways. Many Christian believers furnish understanding to the spiritual implications concerning involvement of the occult, cults. Willing participation will steal your soul. However Christian leaders choose to ignore the stunning fact that Satan is busily infiltrating many churches through supernatural New Age methods. These bewitching seeds of seduction have been making etchings of themselves into the landscape of the American Christian Church for many years. Mostly the Church has ignored the subtlety of satanic tactics because the discerning of Christian doctrines and ministers has not been at the forefront of Christian teaching and preaching. The sideline of a great deal of preaching consists of teachings concerning materialism, emotionalism and intellectualism. When biblical foundations are weakened, the church loses it purposes and becomes religious instead of being powerful and faithful guardians of the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
    $8.00 Buy Now Entertaining Angels of Light – Rebecca Brown Yoder by Vadim Medvedeff
    Rebecca Brown – Exposure of some of her books. Is she for real? Why is the church sometimes clinging to the false instead of the real? This book is disturbing. God’s purpose is to perfect us, to make us more like Jesus. Our warfare is in the spiritual world,not a physical war. God wants us to exercise spiritual discernment in our churches and our lives. Rebecca Brown has targeted the Body of Christ with her books. She is not writing for the secular world. If her theology is erroneous and cannot stand Scriptural scrutiny, the Christians should welcome those who will expose her books to protect our people from deceit.
    I do not personally know Rebecca Brown. This book is based upon the information that she wrote in her books and testimonies presented to the Body of Christ as Christian doctrines. I have used her own words to uncover her erroneous beliefs. I believe that her books present a very powerful Devil and a very weak Jesus. I also believe that her writings demonstrate more occult-witchcraft based religious doctrines than Christianity. The Apostle Paul warns, “Who has bewitched you”?
    Dr. Rebecca Brown’s books minister more doubt than faith; more deception than truth; more sensationalism than fact; more Satan than Jesus; more New Age than Christianity. I challenge you to earnestly pray and seek the Holy Spirit concerning this topic.
    The inspired Apostle Paul warned us: “Let no one deceive you” (2 Thess. 2:3). It is apparent that we are vulnerable to deception and we must not forget it. We must be on guard and protect ourselves against it. There is deception everywhere in the religious world. We must be alert. Paul was certainly a “heretic hunter” (as Paul Crouch calls people that are trying to discern the writings and ministries of those who give the church improper teachings that would harm their souls … better to hunt heretics, discovering and disregarding any false teachings, than to be deceived or bewitched by them!)
    $11.00 Buy Now Evangelizing the New Age Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    This book shows that evangelism is the old fashion way of spreading the gospel in western civilization. Jesus must be preached. We must return to our Christian roots. Most Christians fail to grasp the depth of depravity into which the United States — and the world — are rapidly sinking, provoking a merciful and patient God to judgment. The truth is seldom preached. There are some who would rather preach anything but the name of Jesus. For instance in Ted Haggard church. This is a “must” book for anyone concerned for the Church of Jesus Christ.
    $8.00 Buy Now Family Deliverance Charts Pat Holliday, Ph.D. AWESOME SPIRITUAL POWER
    This is a companion Book to Family Deliverance Book. This book is Charts Family Deliverance. It is true that Jesus Christ left awesome spiritual power to His church. “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, an The Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: I lo am with you alway, even unto the end of the world, Amen,” (Matt. 28:18:20). This “Great Commission” is our marching order in evangelism. It is worldwide in its scope. Sin-deep in its reach. Heaven-high in his hope and eternity long in the duration of its results. Jesus said in (Matt. 12: 23-33) that Satan is not going to let anyone destroy his house without putting up a strong fight. He must be neutralized before a Christian can release his captives, Jesus asks this penetrating question “how can anyone enter a strongman’s house and carry off his possession unless he first tie up the strongman?” Then Jesus told us that we could enter his house in the Word. “Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house,” (Matt. 12:29). Indeed binding the strongman is the first basic Principle of Spiritual warfare In fact, before any warfare opposing power and principalities and wicked rulers and evil spirits can be won to release the nation, cities, individual, family, the strongman must be bound to be defeated. The most powerful spiritual weapon is binding and loosing the strongman. Jesus said, (Matt 18:18- 20): 18 “Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Once Satan’s power is bound, Jesus enters freely into his house and carries off Satan’s possessions. It happens through you speaking to the demons, by the Word of God, in the name of Jesus. It is you acting in spiritual authority that Jesus delegated to His believers. He, sitting at the right hand of the Father, releases His power to you to defeat the Devil. The territory is delivered and Satan loses control. It works by a partnership between you and Jesus to defeat the Demons. Binding Satan’s powers then Jesus enters freely enters into his house and carries off Satan’s possessions.
    • The territory is delivered and Satan loses control.
    • The Greek word for spoil occurs in two forms, Diapazo and harapzo, which means “an intensive spoiling, plunder and snatching away.”
    • In (Lk. 11-22), the Greek word Skulon, conveys “arms stripped from a foe.” Putting it simply, Satan is stripped of his weapons, (Lk. 11:21,22).
    • The Greek word Deo means literally ties or fasten, to arrest or paralyze. The Christian reclaims everything that he has stolen.
    • In other words, Christians aggressively binding the power of demons and prohibits them from the carry forward their assignments.
    $12.00 Buy Now Fasting Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Fasting humbles the soul (Ps. 35:13) and brings revival (Neh. 1:4); cures unbelief (Matt. 17:21); overcomes the Devil (Matt. 4); and delivers from death (Acts 27). The early Methodists fasted on Wednesdays and Fridays and brought awakening to England and America. Isaiah 58 reveals many benefits of true fasting. This is a teaching book, written to give Christians the answers to receiving spiritual help for their physical, spiritual and financial needs … and for their unsaved families.
    $6.00 Buy Now Free from Demons Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    This book will help you make proper spiritual choices. The Body of Christ is facing the most horrendous, Satanic and demonic greater confrontation than at any other time in history. It will be a time of intensified spiritual warfare where demons will manifest themselves and will fight in direct confrontation with God’s people. The Lord Jesus told us in Matthew 10:22, “And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” And then in Matthew 6:33, He said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness . .”
    The Spirit of God revealed to John in a vision that in the last days demon spirits would be released upon the earth which would go forth to deceive the world. Revelation 16:13-14: “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.”
    These three spirits that John saw represent lying, deceiving, seducing demon spirits that are going to be released by Satan. Revelation 16:14: “For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”
    $6.00 Buy Now From Curses to Blessings – Vol. 1 Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    I believe that Jesus Christ bore our curses on the tree. This book is a study about how to walk out from underneath the curses that Satan tries to act physically, mentally, and spiritually on you. The famous evangelist, C.H. Spurgeon expressed by writing, “The first cause of the high priests’ benediction is substantially a promise from God says, “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee.” The blessing which our great High Priest, Jesus, pronounces upon us is sure to come, for He speaks the mind of God.” What a joy to abide under the divine blessing! This puts a gracious flavor into all things. If we are blessed, then all our possession and enjoyments are blessed, yea, our losses and crosses, and even our disappointments are blessed. God’s blessing is deep, emphatic, and effectual. A man’s blessing may begin and end in words, but the blessing of the Lord makes rich and sanctifies. The best wish we can have for our dearest friend is not “May prosperity attend thee, but The Lord bless thee.”
    $8.00 Buy Now From Curses to Blessings – Vol. 2 Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    The New Testament makes it clear, that we are meant to lay claim on the achievements and provisions that come from the Cross and which are made real in us by the present work of the Holy Spirit. Faith is laying claim to what the Father offers us through the sacrifice of His Son. (Gal. 3:13). He hath bought us with a price. His blood or life. Being made a curse for us or made Atonement for our sins. He bore the curse in His body. “His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in an wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for a inheritance,” (Deut. 21:23).
    $8.00 Buy Now From Curses to Blessings – Vol. 3 Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    There is a sin that most preachers are afraid to mention. It is the sin most church members do not want the pastor or preacher to preach about. Most ministers are afraid to even discuss it. People have always been the same way. They just ignore the power of sin over their flesh. They make wrong choices every day. They like to walk in the spirit of rebellion. In the days of Isaiah, the prophet, the people wanted smooth things rather than the truth. They shunned true prophecies. “That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord; which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, PROPHESY NOT unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits,” (Isa. 30:9,10). “… for the Lord has a CONTROVERSY with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor KNOWLEDGE of God in the land. By swearing and lying, and killing and STEALING, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood!” (Hos. 4:1,2). People have not changed. Paul declared that in the last days some would depart and give way to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. This that day! If ever you get in a place like that, be sure the devil will see to it that you hear such a lie. God said that He would send a strong delusion and let you believe a lie that all might be damned who did not want the truth. On one has to walk under curses … the choice is yours. Read on …
    $8.00 Buy Now Giant Chasers Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Have you ever seen a perfect Christian? Christians have problems also. Particularly if they are trying to serve Jesus with their past baggage of sins lingering and driving them daily to sin. As Bishop Kanco from Ghana Africa says, “We kill their past when they get saved.” He says that they cancel all generations curses as is shown in Deuteronomy and restore them with all the blessings. “They have a chance if they receive deliverance at salvation,” he said. “Deliverance is enjoying the freedom to serve Jesus.” Kanco goes on to say, “The real evidence that you have received real DELIVERANCE is that your life is different. Those things (demons) that were controlling your life by being harassed, driven or tormented are gone. If you stole, you will not steal. If you smoked, you will not smoke. If you were addicted to drugs or alcohol, you will not be addicted. If you were depressed, fearful, sick, these symptoms will leave and you will live in peace.”
    $11.00 Buy Now Gods of the Stars Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Christians and Politicians in high places are guiding their lives by the stars. Your life is included by these occultists. Who are they? Read to find out. Can Christians read their horoscopes? This book will tell you the truth. The Gods of the Stars: Astrologers, numerologists, New Age channelers, palm readers, and other so-called seers are making millions of dollars playing the “game.” They will plot your destiny or advise you on any matter for a handsome fee. Some will predict the outcome of the next presidential election or tell of the exact date the world will end! “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world,” (I Jn. 4:3).
    $5.00 Buy Now Healing and Miracles Pat Holliday, Ph.D. GOD HEALS TODAY
    The author has been blessed to see Jesus raise many people from the dead. Tillie, was a lady who had been deeply involved in witchcraft. She came looking for deliverance. This lady was having seizures. She jumped out of her seat one day at one of our meetings. She ran to the back of the church and fell down. She began to have a seizure. Her eyes sunk to the back of her head and she stopped breathing and she died. We prayed over her for forty five minutes. She came back alive! Dr. Julie Burke, of Jacksonville, Florida witnessed this resurrection from death back to life. This author has seen five people raised from the dead and untold numbers raised in the intensive care units.
    I’ve seen all kinds of incredible miracles such as, incurable deceases get healthy again. The blind see, lame walk, cancer, hearts, livers, diabetes, muscular dystrophy, Aides, etc healed.
    Kevin has been healed of AIDES. He was in the intensive care in May 1998, Kevin was instantly delivered from the infirmity in June. He received a clear blood test without a trace of the disease and August 2, Kevin returned to work driving a 18-wheeler truck! He is doing well, to God be the glory. Kevin got married and a little girl was born. The child is about five years old now. Jesus Christ can do anything.
    $5.00 Buy Now . Holliday for the King Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    An astounding story of God’s supernatural move in Evangelist Holliday’s life. Many Jewish men received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit while the evangelist spoke in their language; Hebrew! Guess what? She doesn’t speak Hebrew. It was supernatural. It is like an Acts 2 experience. You will never believe what God did — it was electrifying and incredible! God is moving in Israel!
    $6.00 Buy Now How To Cast Out Demons Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    “Say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I am a man placed under AUTHORITY” (Lk. 7:7-8). “Behold, I give you AUTHORITY … over all the power of the enemy, (Lk. 10:17-19).
    If you want the benefits of being a Christian, you must be holy. The Apostle Peter admonished the Body of Christ in (1 Pet.1:14-16), in this manner – “As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: But as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” Is it possible nowadays for people, in the midst of this “adulterous and sinful generation,” to actually “be? Holy” in their behavior, ways or manner of life? Deliverance will help you to achieve your goal of holiness.
    $6.00 Buy Now Inner Healing Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Agnes Sanford ; New Age
    “There is a departure from the faith but in the name of faith. Seducing spirits are being contracted, but here they don’t pose as “deeper levels of the “psyche,” or as “ascended masters,” but as Christ Himself! The practice of visualizing “Jesus,” (visualizing “Mary,” works just as well for Catholics) is being used in “Inner healing” and in order to enhance one’s prayer life or to gain a deeper insight into what Jesus taught. That the “Jesus” WHO APPEARS AND TAKE ON A LIFE OF IT’S OWN IS NOT THE LORD JESUS CHRIST but “seducing spirit” bringing “doctrines of devils” … ” Mrs. Sanford’s autobiography, she writes of playing in the Temple of Buddha in China, and even climbing up into the Buddha’s folded legs … she wondered if the idols had any power? “How could I know whether my parents knew the truth about them? What would happen if I myself were to worship the great Buddha? Would God smite me dead? … So, in a spirit of high adventure, I decided I would just try it and see what happened.” … .”I folded my hands together, bowed before the serene gilded idol, who apparently paid me no attention whatsoever, and murmured “O-me-to-fu” as the monks did. 1 She then writes a most astounding paragraph that describes demon possession! She writes, “Nothing happened. Or did it? I wonder. For gradually there came to be within me another voice, sneering, despising, scorning, as I grew older there appeared two voices, one of which continually denied or derided the other one.”
    $8.50 Buy Now Is Halloween Pagan? Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Every parent should read and see the stepping stones that our Christian children are being encouraged to go into witchcraft. In older days, it was more innocent but now it is full of horror and witchcraft. Think about it. Halloween is celebrated by children in the United States. This issue is becoming debatable inside of Christian circles because it is getting darker into demonology and also the rise of the occult in America. Witchcraft-Satanism revivals and their obvious tie with pagan holiday causes Christians to question if the church should participate in Halloween.
    $3.00 Buy Now Marine Demons Under the Sea Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    The church needs spiritual information; here’s some info that is important …
    The City Under the Sea is real. As a matter of fact, there are cities under the sea around the world! I’ve heard testimonies about Scotland, Canada, Bermuda, Jamaica, East Africa, West Africa, South Africa and America. I know that the western church will not receive or believe the spiritual reality of these spirits. Unfortunately, many “Civilized” Christians don’t even believe in Satan or demons. In America, if they believe in demons, they think they reside in the heathen – pagan lands. Most preachers and teachers teach, “Christians can’t have demons.” And that’s it … the end of subject.
    Meanwhile, Christian people are being tormented around the world and cannot find relief. Countries, Cities, Churches and families are bound, an African called me from another state and said, “I’m going to return to Nigeria because I cannot find a minister that understands that I’m under demonic bondage and can’t get free from the demons.” Another woman called me saying that she is under demonic oppression and can’t find help. A mother brought her seven year old son that was totally demon possessed. He was being molested by a priest. A different woman brought her thirteen-year-old daughter to me demon possessed. The girl was slipping out the window at night and had connected to pimps. She was dancing in a topless bar! When her mother found her and took her to her father’s home, she received a call from the pimp. He said, “You better bring her back to us, she belongs to us. If you don’t bring her back, I’m going to release my powers of darkness over you and believe me, you will die!” Pastor, what are you doing with Christians such as this?
    $6.00 Buy Now Marriage and Sex Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Sadly, sexual promiscuity has become the lifestyle of America. Sex was created by God. Satan has perverted it. Dr. Pat Holliday gives new spiritual insights into the problems of divorce, sex and marriage. It will amaze you. This book concerns spirits that control all sexual activities. It is ironic that some do not have time for building their marriage relationships and seem to have plenty of time for sex outside marriage … that is what we must conclude from the reports of marital infidelity in our country. Couples make a vow of fidelity at the altar and many would agree with the Bible’s clear statements that adultery is sin. It is tragic that infidelity and a lifestyle of casual sex are glorified in television and other media. This philosophy tells men and women that they do not have to be committed to a marriage partner or to their children but that they should be free to express their sexual urges whenever there is an opportunity. Infidelity can be one of the most painful and devastating experiences that a married person can ever encounter. It destroys trust and fuels the fires of doubt, insecurity and fear. Often it leaves the perpetrator feeling guilty and the victim feeling like a failure who was forsaken for another sexual partner, frequently leaving lasting memories and deep insecurities in the minds of those who are affected.
    Dr. Holliday believes that marriage is spiritual as well as physical and freedom can come through deliverance. There are spirits with characteristic such as overpowering tendencies to rage, lust, impetuousness, impurity and psychic activities. These spirits also are keeping many from getting married. The rise and social acceptance of aberrant sexual activities in America has caused progressive interest and involvement capturing millions as spiritual slaves. Dr. Pat Holliday’s new book, Marriage and Sex explains spiritual and deliverance aspects of sex and marriage.
    $10.00 Buy Now Marriage and Sex Charts Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Ruler Spirit
    Asmodeus Principalities — Osmodeus rules in sexual matters — sometimes referred to as “the genius of matrimonial discord and jealousy,” because he has remained a relatively unknown spirit. He has masqueraded in many forms, deceiving scores of people and taking them captive. He says, “If you will serve me, you will never want for anything. I will take care of all your needs and you will never need a husband.” It sounds very good, almost like the Lord speaking, but it is a wrong (demonic) spirit. Once you open to receive this so called mythical spirit’s characteristics, it will cause overpowering tendencies to rage, lust, impurity, impetuousness and psychic activities.
    This is a companion book to Marriage and Sex Manual.
    $10.00 Buy Now Masonic Orders and Degrees Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    The Bible, the Word of God, is full of testimonies … for our example, how God in Christ Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever; is our deliverer from all kinds of enemies be it physical, spiritual or financial! Yes when God’s trusting ones cry to the LORD because of the oppressors, He sends them a Savior and a Mighty One, and He delivers them (Isa. 19:20). Why Is There a Need for Deliverance From the Demonic Bondage and Curse of Freemasonry? Freemasonry preaches another gospel! (8) “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. (9) As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” (Gal. 1:8-9).
    By being a part and supporting an organization that preaches another gospel, the Freemason brings one under a curse. Freemasonry preaches another gospel and promises salvation without Jesus Christ based entirely on their good Masonic works. This is explicitly taught in the ritual of the third degree, the Master Mason degree!
    $14.95 Buy Now Mind Handlers Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    This book is written to show how demonology and deliverance plays into mind control. Mind Control is more than using psychological techniques. Deliverance is more than using hypnotherapy. The burgeoning field of holistic medicine shows a tremendous amount of experimentation involving the reinventing of many techniques long practiced in shamanism, such as visualization altered state of consciousness, aspects of psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy, mediation, positive attitude, stress-reduction and mental and emotional expression of personal will for health and healing. These reinvented techniques, are taught in many New Age seminars, personal transformation courses and in numerous New Age books (some of which are sold in Christian bookstores). This quackery is being used by teachers, college professors, nurses, doctors, businessmen and people from all walks of life. We know what force is working behind the scenes to make shamanic magicians more common than the “Old Age” church Gospel. Mind Control concerns evil men and women in the hand of Satan using demons and witchcraft to product spiritual slaves.
    $8.00 Buy Now New Age Messiah Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    The apostle Paul speaks of two dreadful events that will occur just prior to Jesus’ return. First, Paul reveals the Church, in this Last Day, that there will be a falling away from the faith. Second, that an evil spirit of the Antichrist will overtake many turning them to doctrines of devils. The New Age is here. When the highest circles of our government are ensnared by the powers of the New Age, can we find security in God. Occult mysticism can not satisfy the chambers of our hearts. Knowledge gives us opportunities of evangelism by comparison of the New Age to that our beloved Jesus. Nothing can compare. Clearly written for action.
    $6.00 Buy Now New Creations Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Human beings have been given by God the highest position of honor and responsibility in the universe. Every promise shown in the Word has been paid for by Jesus Christ. This book reveals the secrets of the new life that changes you through the power of His Mysteries. A tremendous teaching tool for ministries. Saint Paul gave us a powerful illustration of the truths that in Jesus Christ all of us are brought together and made one. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus,” (Gal. 3:28). Our sacrifice: “For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s,’ (1 Cor. 6:20).
    $4.00 Buy Now New World Religion Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Nov. 2, 1987: Mikhail Gorbachev addresses the Soviet Politburo: “In October 1917, we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, the world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road!” He further reassures his Communist colleagues: “Comrades, do not be concerned about all that you hear about glasnost and perestroika and democracy in the coming years. These are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal change within the Soviet Union other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep.” 1983: “The Humanist” publishes an essay which proclaims that “the battle for humankind’s future must be waged in the public school classroom … between the rotting corpse of Christianity and the new faith of humanism … and humanism will emerge triumphant.” This book is about the new world religion coming into place. Are you ready for the return of Jesus?
    $11.00 Buy Now Old Gods Idolatry Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Idolatry is a particular demonic problem America today. Many protestant churches in America are boldly choosing to select images of Jesus Christ and Angels in their churches. Christian television has not helped to display as a model for Biblical expression of God’s view of idolatry. One television ministry has a giant statue of an angel on their land while another has a giant statue of Jesus that can be seen for miles. What does the Word of God say about these things. Will these type of infringements of God’s will make an impression on the true spirituality of the Word of God?
    God hates idolatry and rejected people for the heathen practice of having statues and images in their house… Idolatry holds the hand of God away from helping your needs.
    $6.00 Buy Now Orwellian Nightmare Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Family forms: “traditional family;” two or more persons who share resources, responsibilities for decisions and values, and have a commitment to one another over time. Family is the climate that one comes home to “and it is the network of sharing and commitments that most accurately describes family, despite blood, legal ties, adoption or marriage” Family forms: “single-parent, blended, homosexual, communities of caring, communes, and foster.” Internationalist definition of family to restructure society – NEW BREEDS ARE BEING CREATED
    The above quote was being proposed in the seventies by the radical left. This author was in politics and never believed that she would live to see these radical ideas being accepted into our culture. Today, this new philosophy is received by every secular person, from the “conservative” Fox to CNN, including all politicians and religious leaders. Things have certainly changed. Why is it important to change family models? This is the Book that will tell you.
    $8.00 Buy Now Power of Deliverance Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    The decline of America should be obvious to any thinking American. The explosion of crime, gang warfare and drive-by shootings in our cities, the disintegration of the American family, with proliferating divorce, infidelity, child abuse, single parent families and teenage rebellion, the explosion of drug usage (the highest in the world), forty million babies killed in their mother’s wombs more than 26 years, the rampant spread of promiscuity, pornography, homosexuality and sexually transmitted diseases, the dumbing down of American children in the public school system, high taxation, the ignoring of our Constitution, and exploding governmental controls over every aspect of the U.S. The government is the all irrefutable evidence of a country whose couture, morality, traditions, and spiritual life is in a free fall.
    The names of activities that are listed above are motivated by devils. The Church has the answers through the deliverance ministry and the teaching of Christian character. However, the Church of Jesus Christ must have spiritual eyes to discern the spirits involved in a person’s life. Ministers must ask the Lord to let them see which spirit is operating. Is it a devil? Is the human spirit controlling the person’s flesh? Is it an emotional spirit controlling the nervous system? Is it a mental spirit in control? Is the Spirit of the Holy Spirit in control or is it a religious spirit of the Devil?
    $6.00 Buy Now Power of The Force Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Rejection of The Wisdom of Darkness
    The “Force be with you,” is a slogan seen everywhere. Satan and his workers very busy in the world filling it with rebellion, terror, error and fear. The Star Wars movie made the “Force be with you,” slogan famous. The youth’s imagination was captured by the spiritual messages of these movies. Actually powerful spiritual experiences occurred capturing their souls. All three of the earlier installments of Star Wars (episodes 4-6) contain communication with the dead – an occult practice called necromancy, which is strictly forbidden in the Bible. One of the most famous lines from the original 1977 film, “Use the Force, Luke,” is itself a necromantic message from the dead Obi-Wan Kenobi. Even in the previous installments of Star Wars the Pantheistic elements are obvious. For supernatural strength Luke Skywalker does not pray to a Person (Monotheism), instead he is to “Use the Force” (Pantheism). This Force also has a “Dark Side” which is similar in some respects to the dualism of Taoism reflected in the black and white of the yen and yang symbol.
    $4.00 Buy Now Praying Warriors and the Holy Spirit Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Praying in tongues is Scriptural and helpful. The spiritual gift of tongues is the supernatural manifestation of the Spirit of God using one’s vocal organs. Giving utterance in one’s own language. “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life,” (Jude 20-21). When one prays in tongues, it is the Holy Spirit praying through the person.
    Dr. Holliday’s research uncovers the truth concerning ruling spirits over marriages and sexual activities. These Marriage Breaking Spirits are called Asmodeus, Osmodeus, Abaddon, Apollyon and Beelzebub. These ruler spirits cause rejection, divorce and overpowering tendencies to rage, lust, impetuousness, impurity and psychic activities Due to wide- spread pornographic material, many force their spouses into sexual perversions, leading the mate into deviate sex. However, in our day due to powerful sexual brainwashing by some churches, schools, televisions, radio and media, women and men have, in many instances, become willing slaves to sexual demons. Sadly, sexual evil is prevalent even among Christians leadership and perhaps no other area in the life of a believer where he or she is more vulnerable to spiritual attacks than the area of his or her sexuality. Dr. Holliday’s research uncovers the truth concerning ruling spirits over marriages and sexual activities.
    These Marriage Breaking Spirits are called Asmodeus, Osmodeus, Abaddon, Apollyon and Beelzebub. These ruler spirits cause rejection, divorce and overpowering tendencies to rage, lust, impetuousness, impurity and psychic activities Due to wide- spread pornographic material, many force their spouses into sexual perversions, leading the mate into deviate sex. However, in our day due to powerful sexual brainwashing by some churches, schools, televisions, radio and media, women and men have, in many instances, become willing slaves to sexual demons.
    Sadly, sexual evil is prevalent even among Christians leadership and perhaps no other area in the life of a believer where he or she is more vulnerable to spiritual attacks than the area of his or her sexuality.
    Standards are collapsing in the pulpits. Just before a former pastor of a Christian Church was arrested and charged with capital sexual battery in 2006, another associate pastor and counselor, resigned or was fired from the staff. The church leadership had been warned of the associate pastor’s sordid past in North Carolina, but they hired him anyway! The Church critics consisting of former and present members want to know how the cavalier, even reckless, disregard for innocent youth can be justified by ministers of the Gospel. Church leaders are to protect the sheep from preying wolves not pay wolves to ravage the sheep. Sexual predators should be in prison, not the pulpit.
    $10.00 Buy Now Signs Wonders & Reactions Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    There are many people preaching the Word today without power. Personally, I believe the gospel and the power of God go hand in hand … SIGNS AND WONDERS SHALL FOLLOW THEM THAT BELIEVE. The sins of the Church today are denying the power of God … Wrong Belief, Neutrality, Indifference, Hard Loveless Orthodoxy. The Scriptures affirm, “… in the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof: from such turn away” (II Timothy 3:1-5). God is simply not interested in religion but He is tremendously involved with the well being of people. We wish to open the doors of your life to the Deeper Spiritual Life. This can only occur through the power of God. Billy Sunday wrote, “Let’s quit fiddling with religion and do something to bring the world to Christ.” THE POWER OF GOD is the answer to the Church’s need in this day … signs and wonders should follow them that believe. The Lord gave us an example of these signs when He said in (Mk. 16:17), “THEY SHALL CAST OUT DEVILS.” How many places can you go today and see devils cast out? VERY FEW!
    $5.00 Buy Now Sins of the Nation Pat Holliday, Ph.D. Hunters of Souls
    Internationalist Ministers are experimenting with the souls of men, women and children in their drive for world dominion of Christianity. Rick Warren admits that he has used his church as a human research laboratory: “Saddleback is kind of the Research and Development department of the church at large. We’re not afraid to fail. We’ve always tried more things that didn’t work than did. Every once in a while we find – usually by accident – something that works. Then we teach the seminars and pretend like we planned it all along, when really it was just the result of trial and error.”
    My God we’re suppose to be protecting God’s people!
    $6.00 Buy Now Solitary Satanist Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    The focus of Solitary Satanist reveals supernatural powers upon Jeff Bates (not his real name) life. She describes Jeff’s diabolic attack upon people as he was directed by demons as a result of joining Satan’s kingdom of wickedness. Bates says, “I am a former Satanist. As a disciple of the Prince of Darkness, hundreds of times, I’d conjured magic on my black altar. I had cast thousands of spells designed to kill or afflict illness or to control other people’s lives as well as my own. Frequently, I’d search for things like graveyard dirt, bat’s blood, chicken bones and feathers, cat whiskers, salt and ashes, usually tied up in red flannel cloth. Satan was teaching me how to use his different charms to inflict ailments like infertility, impotence, ill temper, baldness … ” Bates was a willing slave to Satan’s delusions. He says, “It was a hot scorching July night as I sat glaring at the open door to my satanic temple. The overwhelming mysteries of candles glow flickered in the veiled room casting menacing dancing shadows on the inverted cross and the pentagram. I’d gone to the graveyard and pulled out a real chalky human skull. It was so dark out there, yes, so dark and so forever and eerie. With every step, my jaw became firmer, my muscles tighter, my heart more eager. It felt almost like a uncontrolled hunger. The skull sat as a still piece of stone …”
    $8.00 Buy Now Soterology Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    This manual teaches the Universality of Sin. “What is man, that he should be clean? and he which is born of a woman, that he should be righteous?” (Job 15:14). However, it shows the divine work of Jesus Christ to deliver and save people from their lost condition. “How then can man be justified with God? or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?” (Job 25:4). It is through His work that we can be saved. Jesus is the one way back to God!
    $6.00 Buy Now Spirit of Idolatry Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Idolatry is Universal. Satan wants to be god of the world. He wants to assume the throne of God. He wants worship. He has many blinded followers called globalists. These globalists want to stamp out Christianity and cast Jesus Christ on the same level with every god, demon, and idol in the world. It’s okay to follow Jesus as long as you follow another gospel, another Jesus and another Spirit. The churches have become mind control centers being managed by bewitchments and the pleasures of the sex. Emotions are control by manipulation. The flesh is granted every sexual perversion and no longer challenged as sin. People follow those who are spiritually blinded. The pagan highway is being paved by the powers of darkness to prepare the way of the Prince of Darkness. Escaping the wrath that will be poured out on Babylon is not the only reason God’s people should flee from it. Another reason we must “come out of her” is because she is full of religious confusion, and that confusion will keep us from reaching the goal of redemption. Yet so many of God’s people refuse to come out. Maybe one reason they won’t flee is because they are not really sure what to flee from. Exactly what is Babylon anyway? Opinions vary. Some of the more common candidates are: (1) America — especially New York City, (2) the country of Iraq, (3) the Roman Catholic Church, (4) the Protestant Church, (5) all organized religion, (6) the United Nations, (7) the European Community (EU), (8) the One World government, (9) the One World religion and (10) the world system as a whole — the “cosmos” — which would include all of the above.
    $11.00 Buy Now Spirit of Parapsychology Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    How anyone who read the Bible can deny the demonic powers of darkness is beyond understanding? Yet, they do. This book is only for the serious minded Christian. Our present world system is over loaded with power of the occult. Much of it started with Franz Anton Mesmer, the father of ancient mesmerism and modern parapsychology, who started by dabbling in hypnotism. This has been called the soul-bed from which many western mental sciences have sprung, most of these sciences using hypnotism in one form or another.
    Drugs, cigarettes, sexual perversions, pornography, alcohol addictions, abuse, rebellion, anger, ancestral curses, cults, the occult, Satanism, witchcraft.
    $6.00 Buy Now Spiritual Warfare Manual set Pat Holliday, Ph.D. The Battle We Fight (2 Cor. 10:5)
    The believer battles. The Christian lives in confrontation. The faithful fight. No one could miss this in even a superficial reading of God’s Word. We are to fight eternally that outside us opposed to the gospel and to fight internally that within us opposed to the lordship of Christ. We are energetically reminded to “put on the armor of light,” (Rom. 13:12) and “to put on the full armor of God” (Eph. 6:1). Paul commands us to “fight the good fight,” (1Tim. 1:18:6:12). “Behold, the whirlwind of the LORD goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind: it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked,” (Jer 30:23). Spiritual Warfare Armour of God The Christian walk is a warfare. It demands access to the greatest power of the universe. The source of that power is God Himself. You can tear down the stronghold of Satan’s territory over yourself and your family.
    $14.00 Buy Now The Bridegroom Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    This teaching concerns the Doctrine of the Bridegroom. Are you ready to meet Jesus the Bridegroom when He returns? Only believers will see Him, His return for His bride will be private (Heb. 9:28). Christ meets believers in the air (I Thess. 4:17). The Bible does not state when this will happen. The return of the Savior will be glorious (I Thess. 4:16). Good teaching book. The Bridegroom is a reference that is made to the Lord Jesus Christ several times in the New Testament. Whether you are a new Christian or a longtime believer, you must know that the Christian faith is about a Divine Person and not about “religion.” That Person is our Heavenly Bridegroom, The Lord Jesus Christ. The true Church, which is made up of Born Again believers in Him is His Heavenly Bride. We are His chosen companions for all eternity, and His great love for us is without measure, and without comparison. The Lord Jesus Christ clearly stated that He would return in a moment (Rev 22:7,12,20). Are you ready to receive Him? It is going to be glorious.
    $3.00 Buy Now The Discerning of Demons Vol.3 The Discerning of Demons Vol.3 Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    This book concerns the discerning of evil spirits and deliverance. The inspired Apostle Paul warned us: “Let no one deceive you,” (2 Thess.2:3). It is clear that Christians can be vulnerable to deception and we must not forget it. We must be on guard and protect ourselves against deceit. There is deception everywhere in the religious world. We must be alert.The Spirit of God revealed to John in a vision that in the last days, demon spirits would be released upon the earth which would go forth to deceive the world. (Rev 16:13-14).
    $8.00 Buy Now The Puppet Masters Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    The Puppet Masters is a novel about powerful men and women who were connecting with supernatural Ascended Masters to rule the world. This is part one. Many Americans had already lost their souls and have, somehow they lost their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Many have lost their spirit and left the prosperity of the God of the Bible and were looking at the gods of prosperity, pantheism and materialism. This religious, political conspiracy is fiction but it may help you understand the times and seasons that you are living.
    $10.00 Buy Now Transference of Spirits Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    This book show how Satan transfers his demonic spirits to humans. The Bible shows that the mind can be manipulated by supernatural forces. “But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth, the same veil taken away in the reading of the old testament; which veil is done away in Christ” (2 John 6:14).
    These devils use deception to transfer spirits through the mind “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 John 11:14), appearing to men as a messenger of that which is good and wholesome to indicate that, truly, he comes from God. Great Bible Study.
    $6.00 Buy Now The Walking Dead Pat Holliday, Ph.D. OCCULT STEPPING STONES TO WITCHCRAFT
    “The Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.” (1 Tim. 4:1)
    The Walking Dead book concerns the Lamb family (a fictitious name) that was living in Central Florida where a white witch that cast deadly spells upon them that almost cost Rita Lamb her life. It also reveals witchcraft power that engaged the teenagers in the community to become involved with the powers of darkness. They became zombies like when this white witch gave them drugs and taught them witchcraft rituals in the local cemetery, thus destroying their lives through demon possession. No one can dabble in witchcraft and come away unshackled. However through Jesus, one can be deliverance, (Matt. 18:18) there are very few Christian ministers that can deliver them. He died for us that we might live.
    Dr. Holliday says that the rise and social acceptance of witchcraft in America has caused progressive interest and involvement in the occult and capturing millions spiritual slaves. Also she says, “Witchcraft and Satanic worship, coupled with human sacrifices is widespread and happening now!” Christians should never seek help, guidance or healing from a witch or psychic.
    OCCULT PROBLEM I have written The Walking Dead because of the rise and social acceptance of witchcraft in America. We have entered the supernatural age of progressive interest and involvement in the occult. Satan’s ambassadors are very successful and extremely evangelistic, capturing spiritual slaves. I also believe Satanic worship, coupled with human sacrifices is widespread and happening now! New York’s Queens County District Attorney, John Santucci Claims he has evidence supporting “Son of Sam” killer, David Berkowitz’ bizarre assertion that a devil-worshiping cult helped him murder six people. Since his conviction, Berkowitz has claimed that he was a member of a New York-based Satanic cult whose secret members were responsible for shootings that killed six and wounded seven people!
    Fiendish devil-worshiping cultists are on the verge of spawning an insane bloodbath of murder and terror in cities and towns across the country. Recently, while I was evangelizing in Miami, a young girl who had escaped from a group of Satan worshipers told a frightening tale of human sacrifice and kidnapping: “They find old people who have no relatives and put them in cages. They torture them with hot irons and within three days their hair will actually turn snow white from terror! They tie them to a pentagram table (a table with a five-pointed star, a witchcraft symbol, on the top). Then they sacrifice them to satan! The satanist temple is located in a very elite section, she reported.
    Psychic prophets, astrologers, spiritualists, ESPers, hypnotists, flying saucers, space saviors, mind mixers, mind manipulators, mind movers, false prophets of the East, witchcraft, devil worshipers,Seances, occult games and occult movies are presented as having the answers to all of life’s problems.People have been sold the bill of goods that occultism is exciting and wonderful.
    $10.00 Buy Now Warfare Strategies Warfare Strategies Manual Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    All authority is vested in Jesus Christ, yet He has given His authority to us to overcome all the power of the enemy. Christians today must return to the basics of their faith. Preachers should teach them the foundations of the Scriptures. Spiritual knowledge is power! Knowing your spiritual authority enables one to enter into spiritual warfare with faith to overcome. Each Christian must learn that he has power over come any and every demonic strong man. We as true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ can bind and cast out demons. “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” (Luke 10:19).
    $9.00 Buy Now Witchcraft and Deliverance Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    A local pastor brought Trudy Smith to me. “I am a member of the local coven I want to be free.” We ministered to Trudy. She wept and acted like she really wanted to be saved and set free. However, after several months, the Lord showed me that she was still attending the coven meetings. He told me just to preach to her and show love.
    One night the devils became very inflamed. They said through her voice, “We hate you more than all the Christians. We tried to get Trudy to kill you, but she won’t do it. She said that you are the only one that has ever shown her love!”
    Charles Williams wrote in Witchcraft, “It is cold, it is hungry, it is violent, it is illusory. The warm blood and intercourse at the Sabbat do not satisfy it. It wants something more … it wants souls.” $11.00 Buy Now Witch Doctor and the Man Samuel Vagalas Kanco, with Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    A fourth generation witch doctors receives Jesus. He gives important information to church about how to defeat Satan! Revival is raging in Ghana West Africa because he taught ministers to pray and how to engage in spiritual warfare! Astonishing!
    $10.00 Buy Now Women Messengers of Jesus Christ Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    Do you believe that Jesus Christ discriminated against women? Could Satan have twisted the roles of women? A good read! Did Jesus discriminate against women? Did the Apostle Paul discriminate against women? Women have been confined to an inferior, passive role in church leadership. Does the Bible have a plan for women? Women have been confined to an inferior, passive role in church leadership. This book is not written for advancing the so-called “Women’s Liberation.” We believe that women were truly liberated when Jesus died to release them from the bondage of both sin and the Law. We believe that in these last days, many women must claim their deliverance to fulfill their destiny to spread the good news of the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Women figure prominently in the ministry of Jesus. He healed them. He spoke of them in his sermons and parables. From the New Testament writings, know they had a plan of considerable importance in the early churchwomen are among those who were cast into prison because of their faith, (Acts 8:3:9:2). Numerous women are named in the various epistles of Paul, indicating their rather extensive role in the work of the early church. They were treated with respect.
    $3.00 Buy Now You Can Be Free Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
    An extensive training deliverance that has many answers to the availability God’s grace and freedom for the captives. We can no longer try to pull people out of darkness with baby Christianity tactics! This knowledge works! Been tested for 33 years! Tremendous book, simply written, easily, interesting reading. Step into your new position of becoming a New Creation in Christ Jesus. Freedom from spiritual slavery is for the Born Again Christian. Jesus paid the price for you! Once you are free, you will quickly mature. If the Devil can deceive you into believing that you can’t be free, you won’t be able to enjoy and experience the spiritual freedom which is your inheritance. The Apostle Paul prayed that the eyes of your understand to be enlightened… concerning your authority and power against the Devil. You can be free from deep spiritual, mental and emotional turmoil. Jesus said ,”The truth shall make you free!” This the book for you if you are being beat up by the powers of darkness. Great deliverance manual for ministers.
    $14.00 Buy Now

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